Sunday, April 3, 2011

the history of the bidayuh in kuching division

the history of the bidayuh in kuching division is both colourful and eventful.Its was believed that the bidayuh migrated from kalimantan barat indonesia to sarawak long time ago,initially,the earliest bidayuh bidauh resettlement were centered at ulu padawan and rabak mikabauh in kuching district,Bung bratak,dorod singai and gunung serembu in bau ditrict,bung bagak and sedemak in lundu olden days bidayuh were known as dayak land,they prefer to known their dialect BI means people and Dayuh means land.

 this old history picture bidayuh people working in land gold mine tasik gold mine already closed so many years

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

bidayuh group in sarawak

a,bisadong group named after batang sadong,main river...bibukar group is name of the river,bijagoi named after gunong jagoi,biatah group is name...means dont know and betah.  bisingai named after gunong singai,dayak selako named after sungai selako.